Children are required to attend school regularly and punctually. However, please do not send your child to school if he/she is unwell. Please, inform the school by telephone or email each morning of your child’s absence, before 9am. Should we not have heard from you at the close of the register, then school will seek to establish contact with you, as a parent, to confirm your child’s absence. A note to explain the absence should be sent into school, when the child returns.
It is expected that children will attend all sessions. Any interruption in the child’s attendance may affect their progress. New attendance regulations mean that the school requires parents to notify teaching staff, if their child is likely to be absent. Notification of absence does not mean that permission is given for the child to be absent. Guidelines have been issued to indicate which absences can be authorised and these are usually only for unavoidable reasons such as illness. Further details are available in school.
The absence rates for the annual period up to 19 July 2024 (our attendance figures now also include authorised absence for pupils, who have agreed flexi-schooling arrangements):
Number of pupils of compulsory school age on roll – 19
Number of pupil sessions – 7087
Number of authorised absence – 394
Percentage of authorised absence – 5.56%
Number of unauthorised absence – 30
Percentage of unauthorised absence – 0.42%
Attendance – 94.02%