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Parwich Primary School

Welcome to Parwich Primary School

Together Everyone Achieves More


Policies and Documents

Last review

Next Review Due

Administration of Medicines Policy (incl Associated Guidance Documents)

Dec 22

Dec 24

Admissions Policy (incl Schools Procedure & School Admission Code)

Jul 23

Jul 25

Anti-Bullying Policy

Dec 23

Dec 24

Anti-Bullying Policy (Child Friendly)

Dec 23

Dec 24

Assessment Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

Attendance Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Behaviour Policy

Feb 23

Feb 25

Charging Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Dec 23

Dec 24

Collective Worship Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

Complaints Procedure & Complaints Procedure - Advice, Guidance and Information

Dec 23

Dec 25

Computer Disaster Recovery Plan 

Jul 24

Jul 26

Computer – E-Safety Policy & Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

Jul 23

Jul 25

Confidential Reporting Code (Whistle Blowing)

Mar 23

Mar 25

Critical Incident Management Plan

July 24

Jul 25

Curriculum Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Dinner Money Policy

Feb 23

Feb 25

Disability Equality Scheme and Accessibility Action Plan (review every 3 years)

Mar 23

Mar 26

DfE Prevent Duty Departmental Advice

Mar 24

Mar 26

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Feb 23

Feb 25

Equality Policy

Mar 24

Mar 25

Exclusion of Pupils Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

External Contributors Speakers Guidance for Schools

Mar 23

Mar 25

Extremism and Radicalisation Policy

Mar 24

Mar 26

Financial Regulations, Procedures and Roles and Responsibilities Document        

Dec 23

Dec 24

GDPR - Data Protection Framework

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 1 - Data Protection Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 2 - Pupils & Family Privacy Notice

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 3 - Workforce Privacy Notice

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 4 - Record Retention and Deletion Policy

Dec 23

Jul 25

GDPR 5 - Social Media Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 6 - Bring Your Own Devices Procedure (BYOD)

Dec 23

Jul 25

GDPR 7 - IT Security and Acceptable Use Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 8 -  Off Site Working Procedure

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 9 - School Governors Privacy Notice

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 10 - Special Category Data Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

GDPR 11 - Remote Learning Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Governance Handbook

Jul 23

Jul 25

Governor Expenses and Allowances Policy

Dec 22

Dec 24

Governor Visits Protocol

Mar 23

Mar 25

Health and Safety Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

Home-School Agreement

Mar 24

Mar 26

Homework Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

Instrument of Government

Dec 22

Dec 24

Intimate Care Policy (Incl Intimate and Personal Care Policy Guidance x2)

Dec 22

Dec 24

Low-Level Concerns Policy

Feb 23

Feb 25

Management of Sickness Absence

Dec 22

Dec 24

Managing Allegations Against Staff, Carers and Volunteers

Dec 23

Dec 25

Management of Stress

Mar 24

Mar 26

Marking  Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Maternity. Paternity, Parental and Adoption Leave Schemes

Dec 23

Dec 25

More Able Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

Off Site Visits Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Pay Policy 

Dec 23

Dec 24

Positive Behaviour Support (including Physical Intervention) Policy

Mar 23

Mar 25

Private Fostering Policy

Feb 23

Feb 25

Pupil Premium Plus Policy (for Looked After Children)

Dec 22

Dec 24

Recruitment & Selection Policy (Incl Advice & Guidance)

Dec 23

Dec 25

Redundancy and Restructure Policy & Procedure (incl Advice & Guidance)

Jul 23

Jul 25

Relationships and Health Education Policy (incl Education Guidance)

Mar 23

Mar 25

School Vision & Aims

Mar 23

Mar 25

Snow & Ice Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25

Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy (SEND)

Mar 23

Mar 25

Staff -  Disciplinary Policy and Procedure (Parts 1 & 2)

Dec 22

Dec 24

Staff – Code of Conduct

Dec 23

Dec 25

Teacher Appraisal Policy (Performance Management)

Feb 23

Feb 25

Teaching and Learning Policy

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - Governing Body

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - The Role of the Chair and Vice Chair

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - Teaching & Learning and Curriculum Committee

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - Finance Committee

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - Policy Committee

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - Statutory, Personnel & Performance Management Committee

Mar 24

Mar 26

Terms of Reference - Appeals Committee

Mar 24

Mar 26

Uniform Policy

Jul 23

Jul 25